An operating system (OS) is system software that operate (start) and manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.
The fundamental objective of OS:-
1. Start(Operate) the computer
2. Provide the consistent application user interface
3. Manage data and program
4. Manage memory space
5. Manage all computer resources
6. Install or uninstall hardware and software
7. Manage Security Setting
Types of Operating System
There are four(4) types of Operating System
1. Single user Single Tasking :- A user can perform anly one task at the same time.
2. Single user Multi tasking :- A user can perform multiple task at the same time also.
3. Multi user Multi tasking :- This type of operating system support multiple user can perform multi task at the same time.
Ex:- railway reservation ,examination system, banking…
4.RTOS(Real time operating system)/Networking:-
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system (OS) intended to serve real-time applications that process data as it comes in, typically without buffer delays.
Examples of the real-time operating systems: Airline traffic control systems, Command Control Systems, Airlines reservation system, Heart Peacemaker, Network Multimedia Systems, Robot etc.
It is a common boundary between user and computer System, Using interface user can perform his task.
In computing, an interface is a shared boundary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange information. The exchange can be between software, computer hardware, peripheral devices, humans, and combinations of these.
Types of Interface
There are two(2) types of Interface
1.Command user interface(CUI)
2.Graphical user interface(GUI)
3.Voice user interface(VUI)
Command user Interface(CUI):-
Using this user Interface a user can perform his task by typing a command in command prompt. Like MS-DOS-1981
Graphical user Interface(GUI):-
It is very user friendly and most popular used user interface, It can provide icons ,shortcut,menu, windows…etc.
Ex:- windows xp,7,8,8.1 ,10…
Desktop screen is primary user interface , when the starting process is complete then appear a first screen is called desktop.
Disktop include icons , shortcut, menu, start button ,taskbar, date and time and many more..